Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Causes of The Great Depression Essay - 1592 Words
The Great Depression It is said that the cause of the catastrophic stock market crash known as the great depression was due mostly to uncontrolled political and industrial systems otherwise known as capitalism. However, the timeline leading up to the Great Depression proves that many other factors played a role in the stock market crash that occurred in the decade of the 1930s. So lets take a look at rather four, factors contributing to the great depression that we will further discuss in the following paragraphs. Four of the main causes that led up to the great depression were unequal distribution of wealth, uncontrolled political and industrial systems, high tariffs and war debts. Money was distributed mostly between the†¦show more content†¦The rising incomes of the wealthiest Americans fueled rapid growth in the stock market (see Stock Exchange), especially between 1927 and 1929. Soon the prices of stocks were rising far beyond the worth of the shares of the companies they represented. People were willing to pay inflated prices because they believed the stock prices would continue to rise and they could soon sell their stocks at a profit. In the 1920s decade, during World War I, federal spending grows three times larger than tax collections. When the government cuts back spending to balance the budget in 1920, a severe recession or relation to the rest of the economy results. However, the war economy invested heavily in the manufacturing sector, and the next decade will see an explosion of productivity... although only for certain sectors of the economy. An average of 600 banks fail each year. Agricultural, energy and coal mining sectors continue to drop. Textiles, shoes, shipbuilding and railroads decline. The value of farmland falls from 30 to 40 percent between 1920 and 1929. Organized labor declines throughout the decade. The United Mine Workers Union will saw its membership fall from 500,000 in 1920 to 75,000 in 1928. The American Federation of Labor would fall from 5.1 million in 1920 to 3.4 million in 1929. Technological unemployment enters the nations vocabulary, 200,000 workers a year are replaced by automatic or semi-automaticShow MoreRelatedCauses Of The Great Depression1319 Words  | 6 Pageshaving classic satisfying life concluded when the Great Depression ushered in the negative trend that would impact the U.S. economy in 1929. Therefore, what happened? In this essay, we will discuss what the Great Depression was for the Americans, the causes of the Great Depression, and the U.S.’s recovery from the Great Depression. The Great Depression One of the terrifying times in the U.S. history is the Great Depression. The Great Depression is an economic phenomenon, which according to theRead MoreGreat Depression and Its Causes1256 Words  | 6 PagesThe causes of the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s has been argued about for generations. Most people agree on several key topics and that it was the severity and length of time the Depression lasted that was actually the most remarkable. Hoover made many noteworthy attempts to try and solve this crisis, yet in the end it was President Roosevelt and his New Deal, that brought many Americans hope for the future. The first factor in the start of the Depression was the lack of diversityRead MoreCauses of the Great Depression2012 Words  | 9 Pages The causes of the Great Depression in the early 20th century is a matter of active debate between economists. Although the popular belief is that the main cause was the crashing Stock Market in 1929 caused the Great Depression, There were other major economic events that contributed just as much as the crash, such as American’s overextension of credit, an unequal distribution of wealth, over production of goods, and a severe drop in business revenue. As these events transpired the state of economicRead More Causes of the Great Depression Essay1143 Words  | 5 PagesCauses of the Great Depression Throughout the 1920’s, new industries and new methods of production led to prosperity in America. America was able to use its great supply of raw materials to produce steel, chemicals, glass, and machinery that became the foundation of an enormous boom in consumer goods (Samuelson, 2). Many US citizens invested on the stock market, speculating to make a quick profit. This great prosperity ended in October 1929. People began to fear that the boom was going toRead MoreCauses of the Great Depression Essay1108 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States has experienced recessions about every twenty years (give or take) since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Nothing that had happened before was quite this serious, chaotic, or as long lasting as the Great Depression. The crash was felt far beyond those on the trading floors. Speculators who borrowed money from the banks to buy their stocks could not repay the loans because they could not sell stocks, because no one else would buy them. This caused many banks to fail,Read MoreCauses of The Great Depression Essay701 Words  | 3 Pages Imagine a society where over 25% of the population was unemployed. That is what it reached during The Great Depression (â€Å"The Great Depression†). During the depression unemployment rates were the highest they have ever been. It is highly speculated to this day on what exactly caused The Great Depression. Most historians agree it was a chain of events, one after another, that brought our country into chaos. Some events were more impactful than others. These events caused pandemonium amongRead MoreEssay on The Causes of the Great Depression697 Words  | 3 PagesThe Causes of The Great Depression History Imagine waking up one morning, only to find out that all your investments and savings are gone. So if your bank that you invested all your money in collapsed, you didn’t get any money back. This is what happened to millions of Americans during the 1930s. This era was called the great depression. The great depression was one of the worst economy issues we have ever had in history. It was a hard time for everyone. The great depression started in 1929Read More The Cause of the Great Depression Essay552 Words  | 3 PagesThe Cause of the Great Depression The economic expansion of the 1920’s, with its increased production of goods and high profits, culminated in immense consumer speculation that collapsed with disastrous results in 1929 causing America’s Great Depression. There were a number or contributing factors to the depression, with the largest and most important one being a general loss of confidence in the American economy. The reason it escalated was a general misunderstanding of recessions byRead MoreCauses Of The Great Depression And The Great Recession2292 Words  | 10 Pages1. Examine the causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s and consider what similarities and differences can be drawn with the problems from the financial and economic crisis which began in 2008. Introduction 2007-2009 in America has often been described as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in 1929. There was lots of debate whether the economy was slipping back to double dip recession but there is considerable evidence that the economic crisis in 2008 is worse than the crisisRead MoreCauses of the Great Depression Essay651 Words  | 3 PagesIn the 1920s, American economy had a great time. The vast majority of Americans in 1929 foresaw a continuation of the dizzying economic growth that had taken place in most of the decade. However, the prices of stock crested in early September of 1929. The price of stock fell gradually during most of September and early October. On â€Å"Black Tuesday†29 October 1929, the stock market fell by forty points. After that, a historically great and long economic depression started and lasted until the start of
Monday, December 16, 2019
Ambivalant Title of ‘the Demon Lover’ and ‘the Open Window’ Free Essays
Man has always lived in a most deceiving world, and departed from that idea, every self-respecting author wants to make his readers more sensitive to our planet as it stands. In libraries, shelves are overloaded with committed novels, but it is certainly possible to make an issue and to make the audience well-aware of its own naivety by the use of an ambivalent title, as Elizabeth Bowen and Saki have tried to do with their respective short stories ‘The Demon Lover’ and ‘The Open Window’. The first tale yet, ‘The Demon Lover’, shows that it is not that difficult to put one on the wrong track. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambivalant Title of ‘the Demon Lover’ and ‘the Open Window’ or any similar topic only for you Order Now The title implies that it might be a ghost story, which was still very popular those days, but after a first lecture we can conclude that this is not the case. In spite of the spooky setting – such as the old dusty house in a abandoned neighborhood – and implicit assumptions about the potential presence of a ghost, there are no explicit clues that come up to the reader’s first expectations. Even the suspicious letter on the hall table is not convincing enough; what is more, the fact that no one significant had any key of the house, that there was no stamp on the envelop, that the letter was signed with the first letter of Mrs. Drover’s name and that â€Å"she went to the mirror†(p. 4, l. 27) to see her reflection raises the question whether she did not write it herself. The only demons that occur in the story are those of Mrs. Drover’s past: she is constantly betrayed by nervous twitches as â€Å"an intermittent muscular flicker to the left of her mouth†(p. 4, l. 36), and by the flash-backs to her cold lover in her youth. Incapable to leave her traumas behind, not a single day passes without being haunted by delusions, which is at a low ebb when she mistakes the taxi driver for her formal fiance and she drives completely mad. Delusions could also be found in the other story, ‘The Open Window’. Just like in Bowen’s story, one might be mistaken about the fact that the text deals with paranormal phenomena – for instance the beginning the story that could be interpreted as a ghost story, but â€Å"an undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation†(p. 69, l. 25) shows that there are actually still living there. It starts already with the names of the protagonists: one might think those do not have any significant purpose within the story, but in point of fact, these names are the foundations of he tale. On one hand, Vera’s name could be an ironic prophecy: although it might be a word pun for ‘veracious’, it draws the audience’s attention to be very careful with her treacherous tales. On the other hand, by becoming nuts at the end of the story, Mr. Nuttel wears a very appropriate name. For both of them, the title can have a different meaning: a symbolical for Mr. Nuttel, for whom the fresh air blown into the room represents a new start in life, and a useful one for Vera, who is very keen on deceiving and telling great stories. â€Å"Romance at short notice was her specialty†(p. 70, l. 30)) What is more, because she is a professional manipulator, differences between reality and imagination become slightly invisible, but the open window will open their eyes too, so that they will be forced to think twice. The conclusion is simple: different interpretations ascribed to an ambivalent title do not only broaden one’s horizon, but one could also gain a clear understanding of social standards, human mind and the world in general. And last but not least, it is the perfect way for man to overcome their own naivety. How to cite Ambivalant Title of ‘the Demon Lover’ and ‘the Open Window’, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Kafkas the metamorphosis Essay Example For Students
Kafkas the metamorphosis Essay In franz kafkas the metamorphosis, kafka describes a son who suffers botha literal and symbolic transformation into a huge, repulsive, fatally wounded insect. through characterization, metaphors, and irony, kafka gives his story deep underlying meanings, yet writes so simply that it could very well be the point of view of a defenseless child. gregor samsa, the main character of the novel, believes himself to be useless to society in general. kafka uses characterization, by transforming gregor into an insect one morning, to even further illustrate how low he feels himself to be. kafka uses gregors present external condition to demonstrate how poorly gregor feels about his family members, his work, and himself, and to make the feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and detachment strikingly evident. as a grotesque insect, gregor samsa serves as a metaphor for our society. although little was told of the life of mr. samsa before the metamorphosis, one can safely say that there was nothing out of the ordinary about the way he was treated by others. he worked diligently and devotedly, lived with his parents, and although his life was rather bland, there was nothing unusual about it or the way people treated him. after the transformation, however, his mother feared him, and his insensitive father despised him. they thought of him as a burden, not as a son, and began to consider him a despicable monster, and eventually to hate him. here, the poor gregor and his relations with his ineffectual parents demonstrates how we are perceived by others. kafkas beetle shows that our society, past and present, focuses too much on our outside characteritics. whoever a person may be on the inside and however great and wonderful he may be is altered by his physical self. it shows the superficial nature of man and its prevalence over what is true and meaningful, as demonstrated by gregors death. the life and fate of this insect, gregor, is very ironic as well. a family who brings a person up and cares for him should be able to overlook gregors hideousness. a loving family should remember that it is gregor under all of those shiny, black shells, and that he hasnt really changed at all. the family proves to be very self centered, however, and resumes its normal functioning soon after gregors pitiable death. the father doesnt feel attachment or remorse. with gregor out of the picture, herr samsa turns to his budding daughter as a source of the familys future comfort, never thinking again of the poor gregor. gregor samsa, perhaps one of the most tragic characters in literature, was made to face a terrible sentece of isolation, betrayal, and self doubt. kafka throws this poor mans fate at us to show the phsychological relationships between children and parents and the individual and society. .
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Insurance as a Tool of Risk Management Essay Sample free essay sample
Hindu doctrine gives the self-evident truth of the nature of insurance â€Å"Yat bhavathi cheapness nasyathi’ which means whatever is created will be destroyed. Hazard is hence inevitable in life. Business is a class of life. so in life and concern there are assortment of hazards. The purpose of all insurance is to protect the proprietor from a assortment of hazards which he anticipates by switching the loss suffered by a exclusive person to a professional risk- carrier in consideration for a little sum of premium. The nature of insurance depends on the nature of the hazard sought to be protected. The main assortments of an insurance contract are life. fire. Marine and in modern times new assortments have been added from clip to clip like liability insurance and 3rd party hazard. Insurance is a method of distributing over a big figure of individuals as possible fiscal loss excessively serious to be handily borne by an person. We will write a custom essay sample on Insurance as a Tool of Risk Management Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thus it serves the societal intent. It is a societal device whereby unsure hazards of persons may be combined in a group and therefore made more certain ; little periodic part by the persons supplying a fund out of which those who suffer losingss may be reimbursed. In modern times. the occurrence of any event may be insured against a premium straight relative to the hazard involved on its occurrence. An component of uncertainness must be present in the class of the occurrence of the event insured against. in some instances. in about all non- life insurance contracts. the occurrence of the event is unsure while in life insurance the event is bound to go on nevertheless the clip is unsure. The establishment of insurance serves a two- crease intent. the immediate. short scope and proximate intent is to protect the single assured from any loss or harm to his life or belongings by administering the loss among a assortment of individuals through a media of professional risk- carriers. The far- sighted intent is to speed up economic growing of the state by mobilising financess for capital formation and helps in the constitution of a public assistance province. History OF INSURANCEThe roots of insurance might be traced to Babylonia. where bargainers were encouraged to presume the hazards of train trade through loans that were repaid ( with involvement ) merely after the goods had arrived safely- a pattern which was given legal force in the Code of Hammurabi ( c. 2100 B. C. ) With the growing of towns and trade in Europe. the mediaeval clubs undertook to protect their members from loss by fire and shipwreck. and to supply nice entombment and support in illness and poorness. By the center of the fourteenth century. as evidenced by the earliest known insurance contract. ( Genoa. 1347 ) . marine insurance was practically cosmopolitan among the nautical states of Europe. In London. Lloyd’s Coffee House ( 1688 ) was a topographic point where merchandisers. shipowners. and investment bankers met to transact concern. By the terminal of the eighteenth century. Llyod’s had progressed into one of the first modern insurance companies. In 1693. the uranologist Edmond Halley constructed the first mortality tabular array. based on the statistical Torahs of mortality and compound involvement. The tabular array corrected in the twelvemonth 17556 by Joseph Dodson. made it possible to break claims. They may besides render their services in finding the consideration of liability affecting accountants’ carelessness and for other professional carelessness instances. They may besides supply their cognition in rendering aid of fidelity insurance differences and insurance accounting differences. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The proposed survey aims to analyse the significance of hazard. clip of beginning of hazard in an insurance contract. the different types of hazards covered by assorted types of insurance. its benefits and the function of the life insurance corporation in pull offing hazards. Nature OF INSURANCE CONTRACT1 ) Contract of insurance is non a wagering contract. It is sometimes argued that insurance is a chancing activity as there is uncertainness in both the instances and payment in both the instances is made on occurrence of some event. It is non so. there is a difference. The contract of insurance is a legal contract enforceable at jurisprudence. whereas beting contract is illegal and can non be enforced at jurisprudence. An insurance contract is a contract of extreme good religion but this component is losing in beting contract. Insurance contract has an component of insurable involvement but this is absent in a wagering contract. Insurable involvement is the involvement of such a nature that the owner would be financially insured by the happening of the event insured against. There has to be a capable affair to see in an insurance contract. Absence of insurable involvement renders the contract a nothingness. In instance of insurance contract. hazard of loss or amendss is bing whereas in instance of beting contracts. the hazard is created by both the parties. 2 ) Principle of insurance: All insurance contracts except the life insurance contract are contracts of insurance. The rule means that the insurance company undertakes to indemnify the insured against the loss suffered by the insured hazard. It means to do good the loss and to put the insured every bit far as possible in the same fiscal place in which he was before the occurrence of the insured hazard. This rule helps to maintain the premium at a low degree and helps in avoiding an anti- societal act. Meaning OF Hazard: A contract of insurance is a contract under which the insurance company undertakes to protect the insured from a specified loss it occurs. The insured is afraid of loss which is called the hazard of loss and the insurance company undertakes to indemnify him from the appreciated loss it occurs for a consideration called the premium. The insurance company calculates the premium harmonizing to the chance. nature and extent of hazard from which the insured desires to be protected. The hazard of loss is co – extensive with the value of the insurable involvement the insured has. The insurance company fixes the premium harmonizing to the nature. measure. quality and chance of the hazard desired to be covered by the policy. The finding of dimensions of hazard covered by the contract is of import to both the parties. Hazard remains the hazard till the occurrence of the eventuality. Once the eventuality happens it becomes a definite loss and against this loss the insurance company seeks to indemnify the assured. Scope OF Hazard The insurance company indemnifies the insured merely against the loss caused during the period insured. for which the direct and proximate cause is the hazard insured against. In The Wilson Son’s and Co v. Xantho the range of the hazard is described as: It is unfastened to the parties by understanding to widen or restrict the liability of the insurance company in regard of the operation of the hazard. In the absence of such an understanding: 1 ) The hazard includes a ) the loss caused. i. e. hazard brought approximately by the carelessness non merely of the insured but even by his retainers or aliens. and B ) hazard brought about wilfully or maliciously by the insured’s retainers or aliens. but 2 ) The hazard does non include a ) loss caused by the wilful misconduct of the insured or caused with the convenience whether it amounts to a offense or non. B ) loss due to ordinary wear and tear and degree Celsius ) built-in frailty of the topic affair insured as in vitamin D ) and e ) the hazard is such that it must go on and the hazard in insurances is that which may go on and non which must go on. In the instance of Vikram GreenTech Ltd v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd. where the plaintiff in error had insured his poly- houses in a flower gardening undertaking. The proposal form clearly mentioned that merely six poly houses were to be insured. The insured claimed losingss for houses 7. 8A every bit good as 8B which were non expressly mentioned in the proposal signifier. The Supreme Court opined that an insurance contract. is a species of commercial minutess and must be construed like any other contract to its ain footings and by itself. In a contract of insurance. there is demand of uberimma fides i. e. good religion on the portion of the insured. Except that. in other respects. there is no difference between a contract of insurance and any other contract. The four necessities of a contract of insurance are. ( I ) the definition of the hazard.( two ) the continuance of the hazard.( three ) the premium and.( four ) the sum of insurance. Since upon issue of insurance policy. the insurance company undertakes to indemnify the loss suffered by the insured on history of hazards covered by the insurance policy. its footings have to be purely construed to find the extent of liability of the insurance company. The enterprise of the tribunal must ever be to construe the words in which the contract is expressed by the parties. The tribunal while interpreting the footings of policy is non expected to venture into excess liberalism that may ensue in re-writing the contract or replacing the footings which were non intended by the parties. The insured can non claim anything more than what is covered by the insurance policy. The National Claim every bit good as the Supreme Court rejected the claim of the insured. TYPES OF RISKS COVERED BY INSURANCEPure RISKS: A pure hazard offers no chance of addition. It offers merely the possibility of loss. or at best the saving of position quo. Examples of pure hazard are fire. inundation. accident. decease. etc. These are the sorts of hazard which usually are the topic of insurance. Pure hazards are handled as operational and safety issues by professionals and finance forces have to turn to the hazards originating out of failure of above operational and safety steps. Such hazards can non be against public policy. Together they need to guarantee that the organisation is able to defy any hazards or failure of systems and can go on its operations without much battle. The Risk Management and Insurance Planning is required for any organisation to reexamine their hazard direction schemes and to choose for hazard transportation steps like availing insurance screen etc. Bad Hazards: besides known as entrepreneurial hazards. these offer the possibility of additio n or of loss. Trading hazards fall within this class. Generally such hazards are non insurable. Provision against the possibilities of loss with this type of hazard is normally made by commercial minutess or by specific direction determinations. such as diversifying concern activities. TYPES OF RISKS COVERED BY DIFFERENT TYPES OF INSURANCE Life Insurance: provides a pecuniary benefit to a deceased’s household or other designated donee. and may specifically supply for income to an insured person’s household. entombment. funeral and other concluding disbursals. Life insurance policies frequently allow the option of holding the returns paid to the donee either in a ball amount hard currency payment. or an rente. Marine insurance covers different types of hazard during the sea ocean trip. The insured can choose the different types of hazard. which may originate during the ocean trip and insurance company will merely liable to counterbalance the mentioned or selected hazard. The undermentioned types of hazards and hazard are by and large covered under Marine insurance 1 ) Hazards of sea: Hazards of sea agencies unknown or excess ordinary accident such as hit with sea hazard or other another ship. accident. in deficiency of pre-knowledge. sea air current. etc. which may damage the ship. The insurance company is apt to counterbalance the mentioned hazards of sea but ordinary gale. moving ridges. wear and tear and non included. 2 ) Hazards of fire: Fire hazards are related to loss or harm due to fire on history of coal. electricity. H2O used for snuff outing fire. lightening. detonation. etc. Insurance company covers harm merely if the fire occurs by chance. 3 ) Jettison: It means intentionally throwing off the lading or portion of ship into the sea to do the ship igniter. If this act is done for the safety of the ship so insurance company will counterbalance the loss but if this act is done with out any ground so insurance company will non liable to counterbalance the loss. 4 ) Simony: When a unlawful act volitionally committed by the crew is known as simony. Such as larceny. puting fire on ship. deceitful sale of lading. etc. The insurance compensate is labile to indemnify the loss against the simony hazard. 5 ) War hazard: Enemy state may damage the ship. capture t he ship during the war clip. Insurance company compensates the loss against war hazard. 6 ) Land hazard: Insurance company besides covers the land hazard and include â€Å"warehouse to warehouse†clause. It compensates the harm or loss through hazard while transporting goods from one ware house to another. Motor Insurance It is likely the most common signifier of insurance and may cover both legal liability claims against the driver and loss of or damage to the insured’s vehicle itself. Motor insurance is extended over autos. commercial vehicles. trains and dawdlers. every bit good as bikes. FIRE INSURANCE Fire: Destruction or harm to the belongings insured by its ain agitation. natural warming or self-generated burning or its undergoing any warming or drying procedure can non be treated as harm due to fire. For e. g. . pigments or chemicals in a mill undergoing heat intervention and accordingly damaged by fire is non covered. Further. combustion of belongings insured by order of any Public Authority is excluded from the range of screen. Lightening: Lightning may ensue in fire harm or other types of harm. such as a roof broken by a falling chimney struck by lightning or clefts in a edifice due to a lightning work stoppage. Both fire and other types of amendss caused by lightning are covered by the policy. Explosion/ Implosion: Explosion is defined as a sudden. violent explosion with a loud study. An detonation is caused inside a vas when the force per unit area within the vas exceeds the atmospheric force per unit area moving externally on its surface. Implosion means spliting inward or prostration. This takes topographic point when the external force per unit area exceeds the internal force per unit area. This policy. nevertheless. does non cover devastation or harm caused to the boilers ( other than domestic boilers ) . economizers or other vass in which steam is generated and machinery or setup topic to centrifugal force by its ain explosion/ implosion. These hazards can be covered in a Boiler A ; Pressure Plant Insurance Policy. which is specially designed to manage these hazards. Aircraft Damage: The loss or harm to the belongings ( by fire or otherwise ) straight caused by aircraft and other aerial devices and/ or articles dropped there from is covered. However. devastation or harm ensuing from force per unit area moving ridges caused by aircraft traveling at supersonic velocity is excluded from the range of the policy. Any loss caused by public violence. terrorist act. etc: Any loss or physical harm to the belongings insured straight caused by such activity or by the action of any lawful governments in stamp downing such perturbation or understating its effects is covered. Further the willful act of any striker or locked out worker. in connexion with a work stoppage or a lock out. or the action of any lawful authorization in stamp downing such act. ensuing in seeable physical harm by external agencies. is besides covered. Malicious act would intend an act with malicious purpose but excepting skip of any sort by any individual. ensuing in seeable physical harm to the insured belongings. whether or non the act is committed in the class of perturbation of public peace or non. Burglary. break-in. larceny or theft does non represent a malicious act for the intent of this screen. Entire or partial surcease of work or the retarding or break or surcease of any procedure or operations ; or. lasting eviction ensuing from arrogation. hijacking. requisition or devastation by order of the Government or any legitimately established authorization ; or permanent or impermanent eviction of any edifice or works or unit or machinery ensuing from the improper business by any individual of the same or bar of entree to the same. are non covered. Storm. Cyclone. Typhoon. Tempest. Hurricane. Tornado. Flood and Inundation: Storm. Cyclone. Typhoon. Tempest. Tornado and Hurricane are all assorted types of violent natural perturbations that are accompanied by boom or strong air currents or heavy rainfall. Flood or Inundation occurs when the H2O rises to an unnatural degree. Flood or flood should non merely be understood in the common sense of the footings. i. e. . inundation in river or lakes. but besides accretion of H2O due to clogged drains would be deemed to be flood. These ha zards are non thorough. Elements OF Hazard Hazard depends upon assorted elements of the event insured against in its go oning Oklahoman or subsequently. These fortunes must be disclosed by the insured and the insurance companies by and large calculate the premium with mention to these elements: In life insurance. the hazard depends upon: I ) Habits in life or manner of life.two ) Healththree ) Occupationfour ) EnvironmentV ) Position and position in life.six ) Fictional character.seven ) Heredity.eight ) Previous unwellness. andnine ) Opportunities for exposure to particular dangers.In belongings ( includes motor every bit good as fire ) insurance the hazard depends upon: I ) The nature of the belongings like movable or immoveable belongings. perishable or otherwise. two ) Character and fundamental law. three ) Area.four ) Situation and vicinity.V ) Exposure to outside dangers.six ) Inherent defect.seven ) Use and wonts of the assured.eight ) The rubric to the belongings.In Marine insurance the hazard depends upon:I ) Ocean trip and its nature.two ) The path of the ocean trip.three ) The air currents and the storms in the vicinity.four ) The danger of war. gaining control and ictus.V ) Pirates.six ) Mutiny of the crew.seven ) Rebellion of indigens and unsafe seashores. Beginning of hazard: On the portion of the insurance company the hazard commences when the insurance company accepts the proposal and the suggester deposits the first premium. In instance the insurance company gives acceptance conditionally. the original suggester has to follow with those conditions foremost so it becomes the clear credence by the insurance company. These conditions may be associating to payment of premiums or excess premiums or to follow with certain statutory demand. Mere aggregation of sum of premium does non mean that the proposal is accepted. Some formalities besides have to be completed before the payment becomes acceptable. In LIC of India v. Raja Vasireddy Komalavalli Kamba. contract of insurance was to be concluded merely when the party to whom an offer has been made has accepted it unconditionally and communicated its credence to the individual doing the offer. Silence does non ensue in a binding contract. CIRCUMSTANCES AFFECTING THE RISKThere are certain stuff facts which must be disclosed by the insured as it affects the hazard to be undertaken by the Insurance company. In instance of life insurance the age of the assured. his wellness. wonts. etc have to be considered while repairing the premium sum. The Insurance Act. 1938 in Section 45 says that. Nothing in this subdivision shall forestall the insurance company from naming for cogent evidence of age at any clip if he is entitled to make so. and no policy shall be deemed to be called in inquiry simply because the footings of the policy are adjusted on subsequent cogent evidence that the age of the life insured was falsely stated in the proposal. The wonts of life. past and present which tend to shorten life must be disclosed like usage of opium. baccy or intoxicant. Questions about past unwellness are to be treated otherwise with that of the present province of wellness. The latter are affairs of sentiment. Consultations done in ea rly childhood can non be regarded as stuff facts. Information sing the business is indispensable to understand the nature of the hazard. If it is a unsafe business like a soldier. crewman. pilot or a workingman in an ammo mill. the insurance companies charge a higher rate of premium. UTMOST Good FAITH PRINCIPLE The insurance contract is a contract ubberrima fide and hence if the assured has non disclosed all the material facts. the insurance company can avoid the contract. It is a pattern of insurance companies to infix a clause in the policies and proposal signifiers to declare that all the replies stated in the proposal organize shall organize the footing and portion of the footings of the contract in the policy. By such a declaration. the insurance company has a right to avoid the policy with a little fluctuation in revelation of material facts. This regulation was mitigated by Section 45 of the Life Insurance Act. It laid down that No policy can be challenged after two old ages from the day of the month of policy on the land that any statement made in the proposal or in any study of the medical officer or any papers is false or inaccurate unless it is material to unwrap and it was fraudulently made and the policy holder knows at the clip that it was false or he suppressed the fact which was stuff to unwrap. In Mithoolal v. Life Insurance Corporation. the respondent challenged the policy after two old ages of issue as the assured had fraudently suppressed facts. It was held that the latter was non apt. In Suresh. P. V v. Insurance Ombudsman and another MATERIAL FACTS:The ailment was filed by the suppliant as the ombudsman had rejected the claim of his asleep married woman under the Life Insurance Policy. The petitioner’s married woman took an insurance Policy for 50. 000 from Life Insurance Corporation of India. She died on history of cervical malignant neoplastic disease. Before her decease. she paid 10 quarterly premium due on her policy. On the decease of the life assured. the petitioner’ claim for the insurance sum as per the policy. was repudiated by the LIC on the land that the life assured had lied about non being admitted to any infirmary or nursing place for general check-up. observation. intervention or operation and was non enduring from any disease. The insured had undergone intervention at a infirmary for Rheumatoid Arthritis three old ages before the policy commenced. The Corporation alleged suppression of material facts. Cancer was detected merely after the policy was taken and it was the proximate caus e of decease. The Corporation under Section 45 of the Insurance Act. 1938 has to turn out that ISSUES RAISED I ) Whether there was non-disclosure is of a stuff fact? ( two ) Whether there was deceitful suppression made by the policy holder? ( three ) Whether the policy holder knew at the clip of doing the contract that the information given by the assured was false or that she has suppressed facts which it were material to unwrap? four ) Whether the renunciation of claim by Life Insurance Corporation was valid under Section 45 of the Insurance Act. 1938? Analysis The Kerala High Court referred to Mithoolal Nayak v. Life Insurance Corporation of India every bit good as Life Insurance Corporation v. Asha Goel instance. The High Court held that it is non sufficient to turn out that the statements were false. The Corporation has to turn out that the false statements made by the petitioner’s married woman were fraudulently made by her and that she must hold been cognizant at the clip of doing the statement that the same were false and there was in fact suppression of stuff fact. She was an illiterate adult female and she suppressed the fact of holding arthritic arthritis unwittingly and non fraudulently. Judgment: Finally the tribunal held that the renunciation of the claim of the suppliant was illegal and unsustainable. RISK MANAGEMENTBasic stairss in hazard direction are:a ) Identifying hazard:B ) Quantifying hazard:degree Celsius ) Recommendationsvitamin D ) Monitoring consequences.Risk direction ensures that an organisation identifies and understands the hazards to which it is exposed. Risk direction besides guarantees that the organisation creates and implements an effectual program to forestall losingss or cut down the impact if a loss occurs. A hazard direction program includes schemes and techniques for acknowledging and facing these menaces. Good hazard direction doesn’t have to be expensive or clip consuming ; it may be every bit unsophisticated as replying these three inquiries: 1. What can travel incorrect? 2. What will we make. both to forestall the injury from happening and in response to the injury or loss? 3. If something happens. how will we pay for it? Insurance is merely a portion of a entire risk- direction programme. While hazard direction and insurance are closely related. insurance entirely is non risk direction. Risk direction is far broader and includes the constructs of avoiding. forestalling. and minimising loss. In add-on. hazard direction references methods other than insurance for reassigning the fiscal effects of losingss that do happen. Risk Appraisal: Insurance requires the appraisal of hazards so that they can be recognized and priced. Risk Pricing: Insurance puts a pecuniary value on hazards. Insurance can assist reconstruct the well-being of a policy holder after a daze. Besides. if good designed. insurance can make inducements for policy holders to cut down hazardous behaviour. Risk direction provides a clear and structured attack to placing hazards. Having a cl ear apprehension of all hazards allows an organisation to step and prioritise them and take the appropriate actions to cut down losingss. BENEFITS OF RISK MANAGEMENT: Risk direction has other benefits for an organisation. including: * Salvaging resources: Time. assets. income. belongings and people are all valuable resources that can be saved if fewer claims occur. * Protecting the repute and public image of the organisation. * Preventing or cut downing legal liability and increasing the stableness of operations. * Protecting people from injury. * Protecting the environment.* Enhancing the ability to fix for assorted fortunes.* Reducing liabilities.* Assisting in clearly specifying insurance demands. An effectual hazard direction pattern does non extinguish hazards. However. holding an effectual and operational hazard direction pattern shows an insurance company that his organisation is committed to loss decrease or bar. It makes his organisation a better hazard to see. ROLE OF INSURANCE IN RISK MANAGEMENT Insurance is a valuable risk-financing tool. Few organisations have the militias or financess necessary to take on the hazard themselves and pay the entire costs following a loss. Buying insurance. nevertheless. is non risk direction. A thorough and thoughtful hazard direction program is the committedness to forestall injury. Risk direction besides addresses many hazards that are non insurable. including trade name unity. possible loss of tax-free position for voluntary groups. public good will and go oning donor support. The Courts in assorted judgements have opined that the staff of insurance companies should give prompt and effectual service to the people and efficaciously pull off the personal businesss of the life insurance companies. The instances are as follows: In the landmark instance of Life Insurance Corporation of India v. Asha Goel. the Supreme Court observed that â€Å"The Corporation has grown in size and at present it is one of the largest public sector fiscal projec ts. The policy-holders and the populace at big look frontward to motivate and efficient service from the Corporation. Therefore the governments in-charge of direction of the personal businesss of the Corporation should bear in head that its credibleness and repute depend on its prompt and efficient service. Therefore. the attack of the Corporation in the affair of renunciation of a policy true issued by it should be one of extreme attention and cautiousness. It should non be dealt with in a mechanical and everyday mode. †In the instance of Life Insurance Corporation v. Anuradha. the tribunal observed that Life Insurance Corporation is a societal public assistance establishment and it should believe of inventing a policy available in insurgence afflicted parts which would take attention of the assured and his household members in such countries. In short the Supreme Court hinted that the footings and conditions of the insurance policies in the insurgence affected countries should be suited in conformity with the demands of the people in such countries. In United India Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hasan Sultan Nadaf. the National Commission did non O.K. the pattern of the insurance companies to do feeble alibis in order to get the better of the echt claim of the insured. In this instance the claim of the insured was rejected on the land that the proprietor of the shed of the mill had no insurable involvement in it. This pattern was held to be indefensible and a square alibi to improperly reject the claim. The policy should hold been issued after inspecting the shed and if the factum of insurable involvement was non verified so it meant that the insurance company was foolhardy. flagitious and behaved in a manner that was damaging to the involvement of the consumer. Decision Hazard is a load non merely to the person but to the society every bit good. There exists several techniques for managing of hazard of which insurance is the most practical method for managing hazards. Insurance nevertheless does non ever to the full counterbalance the insured for losingss suffered. This may be the consequence of restriction of the liability accepted by the insurance company. hapless direction of case by the insured leading to breach in screen or uninsurable losingss. Insurance therefore reduces the frights of future hazard to the person insured and by capital formation it helps the growing of the industry. accelerates production. lubricates the machinery of production and distribution and improves the economic system of the state. It mobilizes the resources. accelerates and stabilizes growing and helps in the constitution of a public assistance province. After opening up of the insurance sector. Insurance Regulatory and Development Corporation. has monitored the ope rations of the insurance companies. It tries to protect the involvements of the consumers and helps in the fiscal soundness of the insurance industry. The insurance sector plays a critical function in the procedure of economic development of any state. It acts as mobiliser of nest eggs. as fiscal intermediary. as booster of investing activities. as stabilizer of fiscal markets and as a hazard director. Insurance services lead to efficient and productive allotment of capital resources. facilitate growing of trade and commercialism. replacement for authoritiess societal security programmes. and assist persons and houses in efficient direction of hazards. Post 9/11 onslaught the CEO’s of major companies in the universe have realized the demand for equal insurance in all perceptible countries impacting their company. It can be safely be assumed that the insurance market has enormously improved after globalisation. It will surely increase insurance incursion and all professionals every bit good as populace at big should work the chances offered by this sector. Bibliography * Murthy A ; Dr Sharma. â€Å"Modern Law of Insurance†. 4th edition. Lexis Nexis Wadhwa Nagpur. ( 2009 ) * Srinivasan M N. Principles of Insurance Law. Wadhwa A ; Company Nagpur. ( 2006 ) * Verma. Upadhyay. Srivastava. â€Å"Risk Management in Banking and Insurance†Deep and Deep Publications. ( 2007 ) * Ratanlal and Dhirajlal. ( 2004 ) â€Å"Law of Insurance†Lexis Nexis: Butterworths. Wadhwa. Nagpur. WEB RESOURCES hypertext transfer protocol: //www. manupatra. com/hypertext transfer protocol: //www. indiankanoon. org/doc/559952/hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ibc. ca/en/Business_insurance/risk_management/
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Carol P. Christ, Why Women Need the Goddess essays
Carol P. Christ, Why Women Need the Goddess essays Carol P. Christ explains the effect symbols have on females. She claims the symbol of a female Goddess does much in the way of helping women overcome their feelings of shame and doubt towards their own body and soul. Christ says the symbol of the male God undermines women deeply, and it hinders them from growth because they feel subconsciously they are not worthy. Christ has some interesting points about the symbolism, but it mostly sounds like excuses for womens behavior. The idea Christ has about how symbols effect the subconscious is interesting. She says the male God of Judaism and Christianity serves as a symbol that degrades the female psyche. It is easy to conceptualize the idea and the effect, however, just because the concept makes sense does not mean it actually happens in such a manner. Many women do not feel inferior because of the idea of a male God. They understand God is many things, and is never only one. Christ makes a very true point when she tells that religion has a strong hold on the deep psyches. However, when she says, Feminists cannot afford to leave religion in the hands of the father, she makes an eccentric notation for an eccentric group. It may be accurate that the concept of a male God offends and thus deeply wounds Feminist groups, but they cannot compromise their fate in heaven because of a conception they have towards men. Women must realize the vital role they play in the human race, and accept God as he is, ra ther than changing him to please their self-conscious nature. If that were the case we would have a Beergod, Sexgod, and any other desire based God the imperfect could conceive. The Feminist groups must seek growth to erect their problem of men and move forward in life as ordinary citizens. As Christ explains the Goddess, and the gift women receive from her, it is understandable if such feelings were present. Some women may benefit to some degree psychological...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Topics for a Research Paper
Topics for a Research Paper Topics for a Research Paper Topics for a Research Paper Of course, you need to start your research paper writing with the choice of the topic. While choosing research paper topics you should take into account the following recommendations. Research paper topic should be of interest to you. Research paper writing on the completely uninteresting topic turns into forced work and, as a result, does not lead to good grade. You can use college research paper topics available at any faculty to choose your own research paper topic. Nowadays, in an attempt to solve the problem of rampant research paper plagiarism, some advisers give students the topic or specific problem for the study in their own wording. It is a very good solution because among those research paper topics you can easily find the one you are interested the most. Eventually, in "adult" life you have to do what you need, not what you want. For example, members of university faculties periodically write research papers on different topics, so, you can always find something for your own research paper writing among their works. There should be sufficient literature on the chosen topic. Therefore, it is the best to take the first few attractive to you research paper topics, and then examine the library catalogs, and finally choose the one that suits you the most. The available literature on the topic should be sufficiently comprehensible to you - it should not be written in too "featured" language. Sure, it depends on your intelligence; you might be able to read complex texts. This ability is formed by research paper writers in the process of education. Research Paper Ideas In formulating the topic, you make an application for a specific result. If you will not give the desired content of "stuffing", your work will be totally in vain. Thus, while writing research paper, it is important to avoid too broad or too narrow topics. In the first case, you will be expected to assume an unbearable task, risking not to meet the due date and standard text sizes. In the second case, you will probably not be able to find a necessary number of sources (there should be at least ten sources in the bibliography). However, a narrower wording of the college research paper topic is still preferable to a broad one, because the quality of the content of the English research paper is valued significantly higher than the number of pages filled with text. .com Feel lost in topics for a research paper? Do not panic, we are here to help you with research paper writing. We deliver only custom written research papers and we are never late with essay delivery. It is much easier to become a good student with our help. Do not hesitate to contact us to get professional custom essay writing help.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Error logging sentence corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Error logging sentence corrections - Essay Example Woman defends the product of her tenderness and devotion for her children and others, and the sacrifices of women in life’s events, in which we all participate. The participation of women in performing their role as mothers in society always appears predominantly as related to their children. Working tirelessly for them to have the best and she is always concerned about what happens to them. The primary factor in creating a family bond is the mother, because she contributes to the formation of her child’s emotional and social development. Her children are gaining most of the behavioral patterns from their mother. My days go by more quickly with the help of my family and with my role of being a sty-at-home mother. These responsibilities are things that I adore, but also a demanding job. As a mother, I must provide care for my children, take responsibility for my family and love them all at the same time. I put my family together through affection, love patience, gentle l istening, consoling and encouragement. I also have to try to extinguish interpersonal conflicts in the family by watching over each member with true tenderness. The home should be well cared for and the education of children is essential for the proper functioning of the family and society. This is all a part of a mother‘s devotion to her children.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Engineering accomplishments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Engineering accomplishments - Essay Example When the seals are exposed to temperatures above 5000 0F, they are not able to withstand for an extended period. Therefore, there has a been the need to develop an engineering technology that would ensure that the temperatures emanating from the motor joints do not damage the O-rings. The development of the rocket motor joint with thermal barriers was a major 21st century breakthrough. It has ensured that the heat generated by the motor joints is contained. This paper places into perspective the development of the thermal barriers in the rocket motor joints and the benefits that the engineering technology has brought. High temperatures in rocket systems require a thermal barrier. An efficient thermal barrier is one that is composed of a carbon fiber, which forms the core while braided carbon fibers, forms part of the layers. The layers are usually found around the core. The protection of the components of the rocket that cannot bear high temperatures is very vital, for example the elastomeric O-rings seals both the primary and secondary ones requires to be protected against high temperatures(Patrick et al 577). This made it possible to develop an innovation that will see efficiency in the rocket in order to make the work of space exploration easy and efficient. Additionally, the thermal barriers are required in any other machines, especially that require high efficiency and are used for extended periods. The development of the Rocket Motor Joint with thermal barrier was considered the NASA Government invention of the year in 2004 (National Aeronautics and Space Exploration 14). This is because of its capacity to withstand extremely high temperatures. The development was made in consideration of the current as well as future rocket motors, some of which have been under development. In addition, it is not limited to use in the motors since it can also be uses in other equipment such as industrial
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The poor relation Essay Example for Free
The poor relation Essay The stories that I have read both have dreams. Both of the stories have dreams that are virtually impossible to achieve. Although the dreams in the book are set in very different times and are very different to each other, they are suitable for that period of time. Both the authors show that dreams are always present everywhere no matter where they are and when they take place. Both of the authors write from there own past experience, one way or another. George and Lenniei s dream is to liv of the fata the lani. This means that they dream to buy their own land and be there own boss and work there every day. They also want to be fed from there and Lennie wants to tendi his rabbits. As soon as candy finds out that George and Lennie have a dream, Candy buysi in to it by offering all his savings. Lennie and George are outcasts and exiles, the reason for this is for the fact that they are itinerant workers and they always work together and go everywhere with each other. This makes them outcasts because they always go everywhere together where as compare to other people at that moment in time every one went on their own. Michaeli s reality is common and typical. There is nothing fascinating in his life apart from his nephew little Frank. Michael is unemployed and searches for work virtually everyday and he lives on his own. His family sees him as a failure in life. Michael doesni t see himself in that way. In Michaeli s dream he see himself as a rich and a wealthy person whose son like friend little frank is the most important thing to him. Michaeli s dream also comprises a castle in the air, which he possesses and is very proud to have. His dream is about caring for little Frank and being cherished in the society. George and Lenniei s dream farmi is a version of the American dream. All American people dreamt this dream. The dream farmi represents ambition and the possibility of escape from the itinerant workeri s loneliness and poverty. Georgei s vision is an example of the second kind of unhappy vision, when he sees his future as unending, aimless drifting: Ii ll take my fifty bucks ani Ii ll stay all night in some lousy cat house. Or Ii ll set in some pool-room till everi body goes homei i. In the sub-text of The Poor Relationi , Dickens is commenting on the Victorian society. Dickens is trying to say that in Victorian times it was hard to get respected. The most imperative quality at that time was being rich and being a businessman. Dickens is also saying that even if you are respected and are gracious you wont have as much associates as a person who is rich and a businessman. Money was the source to everything at that time, together with friendship. What the America people didni t understand was the fact that the American dream was the American nightmarei. Thati s because only a limited number of Americans could achieve this dream and the rest would just have it as a wish. Everyone could not achieve this dream because all and sundry cannot be there own bossi s as this would lead to an economic collapse. This is why iti s described as the American nightmarei Both authors set their stories in there own times so they can comment upon it. They didni t write stories that were either in the future or the past. They established their stories on reality. Writing in the present increased the number of audiences for the book at that time. The reason for that is because the audience can see themselves fit in to those circumstances. Consequently they would prefer this rather then something that doesni t match their circumstances. The narrative structure used by each writer is very different. Stienbeck has made a play-type of structure. Thati s because at the start of every chapter he describes the setting first and then starts the story. This is completely different to the way that Charles Dickens writes. Charles Dickens uses a frame story containing two inner stories, which are told by Michael. In my opinion this is an arduous way of writing compare to that of Stienbecki s method. The kind of language that the writeri s use is completely different to each other but are both appropriate to the time they wrote in. Stienbeck uses a colloquial style with swear words and slang to add realism to his characters and situation. Like when George says If that crazy bastards foolini around i this style of language was everyday language in that time. The language that Dickens uses is very sophisticated and ornate style; this was appropriate to his literate age. The reason for that is because in that time people tried to gain respect and loyalty so therefore they had to use posh style language. Stienbeck and Dickens both use imagery but Stienbeck uses a lot of imagery compare to Dickens. The only important imagery that Dickens uses is that of the Castle of the Airi imagery, whereas Stienbeck uses a lot of imageries like in the first section of the book he says i On the sand-banks the rabbits sat quietly as little grey, sculptured stonei. Another imagery that he uses is i A big carp rose to the surface of the pool, gulped air, and then sank mysteriously in to the dark water againi i Stienbeck uses a lot of different types of imagery where as Dickens uses a limited amount. Both of the authors are trying to state the fact that dreams doni t always come true. The society denies it one way or another. Michaeli s dream is impossible to achieve simply because a castle in the air is impossible to construct, but the atmosphere that he wishes to have is possible to have which is that he wants people to care and have admiration for him. George and Lenniei s dream is destroyed by the society, people who were in the bunkhouse. Their dream is destroyed by the society because Lenniei s mistake which led to his own death. This was very misfortunate for George and Lenniei s dream. Although the storyline of both of the books are different, the point that they are trying to make is very analogous to each other which is that dreams can be denied be society. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkeys Pa
Compare and Contrast A Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs In this essay I am going to explain the similarities and differences between 'The withered arm' and 'The monkeys paw'. Both of these texts were written before 1914 by two different people. Thomas Hardy wrote 'The withered arm' and W.W. Jacobs wrote 'A monkeys paw'. The withered arm is a short story about a milkmaid who had an affair with a high class farmer. When the farmer gets a new wife, the milkmaid becomes jealous. In a nightmare, the milkmaid who is called Rhoda Brooks sees the new wife she had been obsessing over for the past few days in a horrific apparition gloats over her new husband. In this nightmare Rhoda grabs the apparition and feels her arm as if it were real as she throws the spectre to the floor. The ghost is gone when she looks down. The farmers' new wife, the next day, finds a new mark on her forearm in the shape of a hand in the same place that Rhoda had grabbed the apparition. Rhoda and Gertrude, the farmers' wife soon become good friends as her arm becomes increasingly more serious. Eventually Gertrude persuades Rhoda to get her to take her to a conjurer called conjurer Trendle who is a local magic man. Eventually Rhoda takes her and conjurer Trendle gives her advice but does not give a solution to her trouble. They return home to the village. A year later after Rhoda and her son had left the village Gertrud's arm is becoming steadily worse and she is using all types of potions and magick on it but nothing seems to make it any worse so she goes to see conjurer Trendle for one last time. This time he gives her a solution, she must touch the neck of a recently hanged man while the body is... ...ell in the rural setting of A withered arm. The time frame for each story is also different, the monkeys paw all takes place over a few weeks where as a withered arm has the story lasting for over a year. The time frame they are set in gives them a big difference as it distinguishes one from the other easily. I think that the story which is most striking out of these two has to be The monkeys paw. This story is a better length to not take a while to read and the plot seems better as a whole. Each character seems to have obviously different personalities that they use all the time and these are distinctly separate from the characters of a withered arm. I like the way that the ending of this story is a cliff hanging, we are not told what Herbert looks like after he was brought back to life we are just told about the sigh of dismay from Mr Whites wife.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Galileo Galilei: Man of Science Essay
Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist born on February 15, 1564. He lived in a time when people perceived the earth as the center of the universe and when people interpreted the scriptures literally. He originally pursued the field of medicine, but later gained an inclination towards mathematics. He worked to develop the scientific method and to explain the world in mathematical terms. Today, his inventions and discoveries contributed to the establishment of the scientific world’s foundation. Galileo Galilei: Man of Science Galileo Galilei is one of the most revolutionary figures in history who transcended both religious and scientific conventions. The expanse of his accomplishments cover physics, astronomy, and mathematics, all to which his contributions have resulted in significant advances. He lived in a time when truth was persecuted and religion dictates facts of society. But he refused to remain in stagnation and to accept without question. His works reflected both genius and ingenuity, as his life mirrored the depths that human intelligence can reach. Being a highly celebrated scientist, Galileo has proven himself a man who would always exercise the freedom to think, discover, and create. Life and Writings An Italian scientist born on the 15th of February 1564 in the city of Pisa, Galileo Galilei lived in a time when Europeans have only recently discovered the Americas. He was born towards the end of the Renaissance period. His birth was three days prior Michael Angelo’s death, 72 years after the discovery of the Americas, 43 years before the landing of the Mayflower, and two months before the birth of Shakespeare (Fermi and Bernardini, 1961, p. 11). Galileo, as he is more popularly called, was the son of Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammannati. Although originally from Pisa, Italy and lived there for 10 years, Galileo moved to Florence, his Father’s birthplace, to join his family. He was then sent to the Camaldolese Monastery at Vallombrosa in order to be educated by the Benedictine monks. This religious order became attractive to the young Galileo, as he incorporated the monastic life with solitude and hermitage. He entered the order and became a noviciate, but his religious life was put to a halt as he faced a strong opposition from his father. Vincenzo Galilei had already intended that his eldest child would practice medicine (O’Connor and Robertson, 2002). Galileo pursued his medical degree at the University of Pisa, as he was urged by his father. But being a physician was never appealing for Galileo, and he only took interests on course subjects concerning mathematics and natural philosophy. This diverted his attention from medicine to his destined field, mathematics and natural sciences. In 1589 at the University of Pisa, he became the chair of mathematics. However, after the death of his father, which compelled him to search for more lucrative means to support his family, Galileo took the position of professor of mathematics at the University of Padua in 1592. Until 1610, he taught geometry, mechanics, and astronomy in this university. This period was very important as Galileo made outstanding discoveries during this time in both pure and applied sciences. He argued against the Aristotelian doctrines on the universe and even believed that Kepler’s Supernova of 1604 occurred far from the Earth. He already silently believed in the Copernican claim of heliocentrism (O’Connor and Robertson, 2002). Galileo had three children with Marina Gamba. But he fathered his son and two daughters out of wedlock. The children’s illegitimate status made Galileo decide that his daughters are not suited for marriage and therefore must enter a religious order. They became nuns of the convent of San Matteo Arceteri where they forever remained. His son, on the other hand, later gained a legitimate status and was able to later marry (Life, 2000). Due to his support for the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo faced the Inquisition of the Catholic Church in 1633. The leaders of the Roman Catholic religion convicted Galileo with the crime of heresy. As part of his punishment, the church ordered that he withdraw his support for Copernicus publicly. He was also given the sentence of life imprisonment, but only served house arrest due to his advanced age. By his age of 72, Galileo suffered from blindness due to cataracts and glaucoma. And in 1642, Galileo Galilei died at Arcetri. This was the very same birth year of another physicist, Isaac Newton (Chew, 1996). One of the most interesting characteristics of his writings is that they are all, except for one, written in the Italian language instead of Latin. Although Italian was his native tongue, the more conventional medium of scientific writing was Latin. Two of his most renowned works are entitled â€Å"Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican†and â€Å"Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences†(Kolatkar, 2001, p. 3). He presented these works in a considerably dramatic and lively manner. Here, he told of the story of a conversation among three characters, Simplicio (representation of Aristotle), Salviati (representation of Galileo), and Sagredo (intelligent layperson). His greatest scientific contributions were contained in these literatures. These highly influenced the â€Å"modern scientific thought – ‘its method of enquiry’ and ‘its criterion of truth†(Kolatkar, 2001, p. 3). He was the responsible for the current scientific method that scientists are employing, and which would last for generations to come. His other famous writings include â€Å"The Little Balance,†â€Å"The Starry Messenger,†â€Å"Letters on Sunspots,†â€Å"Letter to Grand Duchess Christina,†â€Å" Discoros Delle Comete,†and â€Å"The Assayer†(Chew, 1996). Contributions in Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, and Technology Given the title of â€Å"Father of Modern Science†(Finocchiaro, 1989, p. 1), Galileo Galilei has highly contributed to the advancement of science especially in the field of astronomy, physics, and mathematics. He developed the scientific method, which is very instrumental in the methodology employed by many of the scientists after him. This scientific method allowed scientists to conduct experimentations that are quantitative as opposed to qualitative, repeatable, and unbiased (Finocchiaro, 1989, p. 1). In the field of physics, Galileo notably took interest on falling bodies. At the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Galileo dropped a cannonball and a feather. Through this simple experiment, he discovered that the falling objects had the same acceleration despite their differences in mass. He found that the speed is dependent on air resistance and not on the object’s mass, which is now one of the most well known laws of physics (PBS, 2002, p. 1). Galileo’s mathematical inclinations led him to developing a certain method in solving problems. He reduced these problems into ordinary lay terms and adapted them into a common-sense logic level. He used this in formulating analyses and in resolving the problems into simplified mathematical terms. This proved to be successful as he was able to describe and experiment on motion, which eventually helped Isaac Newton in mathematically describing his Law of Inertia (Chew, 1996). Galileo is also known for his technological contributions. Galileo was naturally observant and very curious with his surroundings. He enjoyed exploring and experimenting on mechanical objects. This interest led him to invent a simply designed thermometer, a geometric military compass, and a modified telescope. It is with the latter invention that Galileo was able to explore the celestial bodies. Galileo observed the moon’s surface and found that it has great similarities with the Earth. He also made the very interesting astronomical observation on Jupiter and its four moons and on Venus and its different phases. Using his self constructed telescope, Galileo viewed distant planets and stars, their behaviour and their surfaces. Still in contribution to the field of Astronomy, Galileo described and illustrated the altering pattern of the Sun’s spots. His proposed explanation for this phenomenon is that these changes in the sunspots’ pattern were due to the rotation of the sun. Of all Galileo’s scientific theories, his most controversial was his support for the Copernican opposition against the classic Aristotelian doctrines. The ancient Greeks’ belief of geocentrism and geostasis were taught in all universities and other academic institutions at his time. But Galileo opposed these views as he believed in the Copernican geokinetic and heliocentric theories. This is a highly controversial stand for Galileo as it led to his encounter with the church, which eventually sentenced him to life imprisonment (Finocchiaro, 1989, p. 7). After being sentenced into life imprisonment, Galileo served his punishment under house arrest until his death. But this did not prevent him from continuing his scientific experiments. When he returned to his studies in physics, particularly motion, he analyzed falling bodies, projectiles, inclined planes, and other important areas that are considered as the foundations of modern physics (PBS, 2002, p. 1). The Inquisition As one of the most popular and accomplished scientists in his time, Galileo was not only under the scrutiny of the public but most essentially by the church. It was however unfortunate that the Father of Modern Science did not escape the fury of religious officials against his beliefs. He greatly suffered from his encounters with the Roman Catholic religion, and paid until the rest of his life (Wudka, 1998). At the University of Pisa, Galileo taught astronomy with the required curriculum. He was compelled to teach the geocentric and geostatic theories that scholars of his time accepted. But due to his exposure to a novel theory by Nicolaus Copernicus when he taught at the University of Padua, he became convinced that the earth and the other planets revolve around sun. This is otherwise known as the heliocentric theory that is currently accepted as a scientific fact. His support for Copernicus meant that he was against the doctrines taught by the Roman Catholic Church. In 1633, he faced the historically renowned â€Å"Inquisition†(Chew, 1996). It was in 1611 that Galileo first experienced religious encounters for his Copernican beliefs. Four years prior the inquisition, the Dominican friar named Niccolo Lorini had criticized his views and even filed a complaint against him. In his defence, Galileo argued to the officials in Vatican and to the Grand Duchess Christina that he be given liberty to inquire and defend his ideas in Rome. By the year 1616, scholars proclaimed that heliocentrism is both philosophically absurd and theologically erroneous. Those who advocated this theory were considered heretics. He was ordered by Pope Paul V to refrain from defending the Copernican view and to discuss his beliefs neither in speech nor in writing (Wudka, 1998). The Roman Catholic Church was already experiencing oppositions from different sectors of the society. It was facing battles against armies of Protestants and therefore needed to establish and to demonstrate enough strength against their enemies. With his authority at stake, then church’s leader Pope Urban VIII accused Galileo of mockery against him. This placed the renowned scientist before an inquisition which later convicted him guilty of heresy. He was 69 years old during the incident, and therefore was very physically vulnerable. The church threatened him of serious torture if he did not withdraw his support for Copernicus. Therefore, he recanted his theory and was sentenced into life imprisonment, but instead placed under house arrest. He died serving his sentence and it was not until 1992 that the church apologized for its maltreatment towards this man of science (Life, 2000). Legacy Three hundred years after the inquisition, the church recanted its verdict against the men of science that they persecuted. Galileo Galilei, together with Copernicus and other men, was absolved of the crimes they were accused of. But more than his sufferings from the hands of the church, Galileo has left his legacy in the world of science. He would forever be remembered for his contributions in the laws of physics and his astronomical findings. And most of all, his improvement of the microscope would always be regarded as a revolutionary tool in advancing our knowledge of the universe. Generations after ours would never cease to know his name, as it epitomizes both genius and greatness. Galileo Galilei has carved his niche and would forever be remembered as a man who shaped the modern world of science (Hughes and Shaw, 1999). â€Å"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same god who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. †-Galileo Galilei References Chew, R. (1996). Galileo Galilei. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http://www. lucidcafe. com/library/96feb/galileo. html. Finocchiaro, M. A. (1989). The Galileo Affair: A Documentary. Los Angeles: University of California Press. Hughes, E. And Shaw, L. (1999). Galileo’s Legacy. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http://www. cogs. susx. ac. uk/users/desw/galileo/life/legacy. html. Kolatkar, M. (2001). Galileo Galilei: Father of Modern Science. Journal of Science Education, 6:3. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from www. iisc. ernet. in/academy/resonance/Aug2001/pdf/Aug2001p3-5. pdf Life (2000). Galileo Sees the Moons of Jupiter and the Earth Moves. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http://www. life. com/Life/millennium/events/05. html. O’Connor, J. J. , and Robertson, E. F. (2002). Galileo Galilei. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http://www-history. mcs. st-andrews. ac. uk/Biographies/Galileo. html. PBS (2002). Who Was Galileo Galiei? Retrieved January 31, 2008 from www. pbs. org/wgbh/nova/galileo/media/lrk_handout. pdf. Wudka, J. (1998). Galileo and the Inquisition. Retrieved January 31, 2008 from http://phyun5. ucr. edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node52. html.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Post Facto Research
1. What is the meaning of research? There are various definitions of research. According to John . W. Best, research is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories and concepts, resulting in prediction for seeing and possibly ultimate control of events. On the other hand, Clifford Woody defined research as a careful enquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something. Furthermore, Mouley defined research as a process of arriving at dependable solution to the problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. According to Martyn Shuttleworth (Oct 3, 2008), in the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Kothari (2002) described research as a systematic investigation to find solution to a problem. 2. What is the importance of research? Research is very much beneficial to everyone in the society. According to Ayesha Afsar, research is important because it gives direction to deal with a specific problem. Whether the problem is thoroughly solved or not is not the forte of the research work. Accumulating amicable and all the possible solutions hypothetically are in itself considered a commendable achievement. Moreover, as stated by Michelle Lowe, research can help us to explore education and the education process. It can help us to answer questions about learning and teaching. Prince Samuels also added that research is very vital to our everyday decision making. It arms us from wrong information and save time and money. It is important to our success as we take on life's challenges and career decisions making. Furthermore, Joe Gilbert stated that research is important when conducted correctly because it helps us to understand and possibly even solve existing or possible problems in the world. This could be anything from social issues to medical breakthroughs. Governments carry out research all of the time in order to come to conclusions about policies and strategies. They will often choose experts in the particular field to go out and carry out in-depth research to help them out. Without this research and knowledge, it would be difficult to make a change in the world. It would also mean that changes wouldn't be fully considered which could result in bigger problems in the long run. 3. What are the kinds of research? As emphasized by C. R. Kothari, the following are the different kinds of research: Basic Research deals with the formulation of theory; gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is ‘pure’ or ‘basic’ research; pure research is â€Å"research made without any idea of application to industrial matters but solely with the view of extending our knowledge of the Laws of Nature. †* Applied {action} Research focuses at finding a solution for immediate problem; helps in discovering a solution for some pressing practical problem; is the application of knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields [pure research] to solving practical problems Descriptive/ex post facto research includes survey facts finding inquires it focuses on two aspects: {a}What has happened? {b}What is happening? * Correlational research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation. * Explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects or a phenomenon. Exploratory research is undertaken to explore an area where a little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study {feasibility/ pilot study}. It is the development of hypothesis rather than their testing. Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies Historical research is the type of research that examines past events or combinations of events to arrive at an account of what has happened in the past. * Experimental research is defined essentially as research in which the causal (independent) variable(s) can be manipulated in order to change an effect Because of this element of manipulation, researchers in using experimental methods are expected to maintain a good degree of control throughout the period of the study to establish with confidence that cause and effect occurred. (Dr. Anthony G. Picciano) * Constructive research is mainly done by many technological corporates in order to find new/alternative solutions to any particular crisis or problems. For example-renewable energy research or development of the capacity of optical fiber may fall into this category of research. * Empirical research is very impressive observational type of research, where one observes or test on real-life data or analysis the pattern of some specific events in order to identify the nature or the class of trend that specific phenomenon maintains. Based on the test result, researchers try to draw lines in order to predict the result of that type of incidents with certain level of confidence. 4. What are the characteristics of research? According to Ranjit Kumar, the following are the characteristics of research: * Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher. * Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles. * Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study. * Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. * Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures. * Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Essay Example
The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Essay Example The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Essay The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Essay 1. What is the typical relationship between involvement rates on three-month Treasury measures. long-run exchequer bonds. and Baa corporate bonds? The involvement rate on three-month Treasury measures fluctuates more than the other involvement rates and is lower on norm. The involvement rate on Baa corporate bonds is higher on norm than the other involvement rates. 2. What consequence might a autumn in stock monetary values have on concern investing? The lower monetary value for a firm’s portions means that it can raise a smaller sum of financess. and so investing in works and equipment will fall. 3. What consequence might a rise in stock monetary values have on consumers’ determinations to pass? Higher stock monetary values mean that consumers’ wealth is higher and so they will be more likely to increase their disbursement. 4. Why are fiscal markets of import to the wellness of the economic system? Because they channel financess from those who do non hold a productive usage for them to those who do. thereby ensuing in higher economic efficiency. 5. What was the chief cause of the recession that began in 2007? The chief cause of the recession that began in 2007 was the defaults in subprime residential mortgages led to major losingss. 6. What is the basic activity of Bankss? Banks accept sedimentations and so utilize the ensuing financess to do loans. 7. What are other of import fiscal mediators in the economic system besides Bankss? Savingss and loan associations. common savings Bankss. recognition brotherhoods. insurance companies. common financess. pension financess. and finance companies 8. Can you believe of any fiscal invention in the past 10 old ages that has affected you personally? Has it made you better or worse off? In what manner? 9. Have the rising prices rate in the U. S. increased or decreased in the past few old ages? What about the involvement rates? The rising prices rate in the U. S. increased in the past few old ages and the involvement rates decreased. 10. If the history repeats itself and we see a diminution in the rate of money growing. what might you anticipate to go on to a. existent end product? will increase b. the rising prices rate? will diminish c. involvement rates? will diminish 11. When involvement rates decrease. how might concerns and consumers change their economic behaviour? Businesss would increase investing disbursement because the cost of funding this disbursement is now lower. and consumers would be more likely to buy a house or a auto because the cost of financing their purchase is lower. 12. Is everybody worse off when involvement rates rise? No. Peoples who borrow to buy a house or a auto are worse off because it costs them more to finance their purchase ; nevertheless. rescuers benefit because they can gain higher involvement rates on their nest eggs. 13. Why do directors of fiscal establishments care so much about the activities of the Federal Reserve System? Because the actions of the Federal Reserve affects involvement rates. rising prices. and concern rhythms. all of which have an of import impact on the profitableness of fiscal establishments. 15. How does a diminution in the value of lb sterling affect British consumers? It makes foreign goods more expensive and so British consumers will purchase less foreign goods and more domestic goods. 16. How does an addition in the value of the lb sterling affect American concerns? It makes British goods more expensive relation to American goods. American concerns will happen it easier to sell their goods in the United States and abroad. and the demand for their merchandises will lift. If. nevertheless. an American concern depends on supplies/parts from British companies these merchandises will increase their costs. 17. How can alter in foreign exchange rates affect the profitableness of fiscal establishments? Changes in foreign exchange rates change the value of assets held by fiscal establishments and therefore take to additions and losingss on these assets. Besides changes in foreign exchange rates affect the net incomes made by bargainers in foreign exchange who work for fiscal establishments. 18. Harmonizing to Figure 8. in which old ages would you hold chosen to see the Grand Canyon in Arizona instead than the Tower of London? Where the dollar was weak 1991. 1993. 1995 etc. the Grand Canyon 19. When the dollar is worth more in relation to currencies of other states. are you more likely to purchase American-made or foreign-made denims? When the dollar additions in value. foreign goods become less expensive relation to American goods ; therefore you are more likely to purchase French-made denims than American-made denims. The ensuing bead in demand for American-made denims because of the strong dollar injuries American denims makers. On the other manus. the American company that imports denims into the United States now finds that the demand for its merchandise has risen. so it is better off when the dollar is strong. 20. Much of the U. S. authorities debt is held as exchequer bonds and measures by foreign investors. How do fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate affect the value of that debt held by aliens? Foreign holders of this debt are concerned that the U. S. will allow the dollar value diminution so the comparative value of its debt is less. As the dollar loses value. investors are less likely to keep assets in dollars as they wait for the diminution to halt.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Marketing Information System I Information Technology Essay
A Marketing Information System I Information Technology Essay Introduction: A Marketing Information System is a routine, planned, gathering, sorting, storage and retrieval system for market information relevant to the operation of a particular business. Most except the largest businesses do not have much of a marketing information system, if at all, with executives perhaps relying on reading a few trade publications and the monthly reports of their staff.As far as I am aware you cannot buy a ready made marketing information system suitable for any market, rather you have to organise your own, specific to your markets, your staff and your decision needs. The more volatile your markets, the more your organisation wishes to get ahead of the pack, the more you wish to be a winner, the more you are able to respond to emerging opportunities or threats faster than your competition, the more you could perhaps benefit if you organised the routine gathering of up to date pertinent market information from within and without your organisation so that it i s to hand, to warn, and to present opportunities to your organisation. Here the overall analysis was made on a Specific Company’s Marketing Information Systems Which is HSBC Ltd. The overall report begins hereand also some of the materials are attached in the Appendix section. About HSBC: HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. HSBC’s international network comprises about 10,000 offices in 76 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. Through an international network linked by advanced technology, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services. Corporate communications for ‘The World’s Local Bank’ means informing employees in 76 countries about the latest HSBC news, legislation, HR and legal issues. History of HSBC: The HSBC Asia Pacific group represents HSBC in Bangladesh. HSBC opened its first branch in Dhaka in 17th December, 1996 to provide personal banking services, trade and corporate services, and custody services. The Bank was awarded ISO9002 accreditation for its personal and business banking services, which cover trade services, securities and safe custody, corporate banking, Hexagon and all personal banking. This ISO9002 designation is the first of its kind for a bank in Bangladesh. Realizing the huge potential and growth in personal banking industry in Bangladesh, HSBC extended its operation to the personal banking sector in Bangladesh and within a very short span of time; it was able to build up a huge client base. Extending its operation further, HSBC opened a branch at Chittagong, two branch offices at Dhaka (Gulshan and Mothijheel) and an offshore banking unit on November, 1998. Another branch has been opened at Dhanmondi on 1st of March, 2003. Till date, the number of employees of this bank in Bangladesh was 180. HSBC Bangladesh is under the strict of supervision of HSBC Asia Pacific Group, Hon g Kong. The Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bangladesh manages the whole banking operation of HSBC in Bangladesh. Under the CEO, there are heads of departments, who manage specific banking functions e.g. Personal banking, corporate banking, etc. Currently HSBC Bangladesh is providing a wide range of services both individual and corporate level customers. In 2000, the bank launched a wide array of personal banking products designed for all kinds of (middle and higher middle income group) customers. Some such products were Personal loans, car loans, etc. Recently the bank launched three of its’ personal banking products – Personal Secured Credit, Personal secured loan & Automated Tele Banking (ATB) service, Credit Cards, ATM, Day& Night Banking Service and Easy Pay Machines. These products are designed to meet the diverse customer needs more completely.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
B 777 Design and Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
B 777 Design and Development - Research Paper Example Aside from many technical innovations that have done, 777 recognize its uniqueness in the design and the effort. Boeing 777 is pre-assembled and the first 100% digitally designed. It was built in the concept of â€Å"Working Together†and this philosophy made it possible for the company to make 240 designs. The whole team comprises the design team, manufacturing, and the supplier personnel. Building which includes the designing of a new commercial jet liner takes a lot of time and patience. The process take around five years or more than and sometimes even decades. It is very important that this kind of project be documented especially if the specific project is the first of its kind. Outlines Abstract Issues Innovations 777-200LR 777-300ER Decisions about 777 Characteristics and Variants of 777 Deliveries of 777 Accidents of 777 Productions Financial Analysis Final Analysis References Background Model 777 is the first jetliner for more than a decade among the Boeing airplane to be designed using three-dimensional graphics digitally in the computer. An investment of 10$ billion in the development of the 777 is spend by the company. In October 1990, the 777 program was launched through the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. frank Shorts. From the beginning order of the United Airlines, in June 1995, United Airlines flew its first ever 777 profit service. The demand of the market determines 777 as the newest member of the twin-aisle family of Boeing. Features in the design of the airplane was offered like approaches to the development of the airlines and innovations which sets the quality standard of the value in the airlines delivery. The 777-300 authorize production by the Boeing Board of Directors is on June 26, 1995. It was July 1998 when the first delivery materialized to Cathay Pacific Airways in June 1998. Issues: Understand and learn from the designs and facts along the processes in the making Boeing 777. To have the knowledge and deeper understanding ab out the importance and profits of mutual designing in the group effort of many big companies in the process of the aircraft manufacturing. To have a deeper knowledge and appreciation on how modern technologies have been used in the making of Boeing 777. To get an understanding of the beneficial and amazing features of Boeing 777. Innovations The 777 has made improvement in its Interior flexibility, flight plan, distinguish design, airfoil technology and considered as the most spacious and the widest among its class. Its larger shipment and range capacity resulted to lesser operating expenses to airlines. The Boeing 777 is smaller comparing to the 747 nut it is much bigger comparing to either twin jet or even trijet in its class. The 777 aircraft is a double engine, economically advantageous to the medium and in the long-range markets. Some amazing features the 777 is offering in the 1990s are highly develop complex emppenage, advance and considered as the most powerful engines produ ced and used in a commercial airplane, an aerodynamically competent airfoil wing, joint digital data bus originally built for use of the 777, and the fly-by-wire (Global Secutity.org 2009). 777-200LR Pakistan International Airlines built the first 777_200LR (Long Range). When the 777-200LR, the C-marke2 model, entered the service in 2006 is the longest-range commercial airliner in the world. The aircraft is called by Boeing the world liner in
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