Sunday, January 26, 2020
Communication †sending and receiving verbal information
Communication – sending and receiving verbal information Communication is the complex process of sending and receiving verbal information. The communication process plays a very important role in the profession of nursing. Daily the nurses have to deal with a huge number of patients of diverse background. Some belong to educated background and understands thing very well but some are not educated, and for them understanding and communicating with the medical staff is very difficult so it is the responsibility of the nurses to improve their skills to such an extent that communicating with people of all sorts become possible for them. The communication could be verbal or nonverbal like by the use of expressions or jesters etc. The discussion among the nurses and the patients is conducted usually in a very hectic atmosphere; both the patients and nurses are in an urgency as a result of which unwanted issues may arise. The directions are often delivered to the patients on the phones rather than face to face. In the cases of emergency the commu nication skills gain very high importance as the decision about the procedure has to be made immediately but sometimes the patient nurse interaction is delayed too much as a result of which serious consequences could be faced. In order to avoid the problems in communication some strategies have been discussed in this paper. One technique to attain this objective is by the use of strategies which are being used by other industries and have been very effective like team resource management. It is a training course which has been designed by the aviation business. It emphasizes on combined decision making and team oriented approaches. The most excellent patient care can be provided when the nurses are accessible at all times. By the use of equipments like background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), it is guaranteed that the delivered messages are very clear and not ambiguous in any kind of stressful situation (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004). U-nursing is also very effective in imp roving the patient nurse communication. The SWOT analysis is also given in the proposal. The above mentioned plans could be implemented easily. Some are not time consuming like changing the behavior and attitude of the nurses however some of them needs time like installation of wireless equipments. If the nurses lack the skills for good communication the above mentioned tasks becomes really difficult to handle. In order to deal with patients who have diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and having different levels of knowledge, communication becomes a big challenge to the health care providers. Health care providers especially the nurses have always been very keen to advance the communication skills so that they can progress to better patients care services. In nursing, a heavy amount of information has to be provided and received in a narrow time period. In order to do this perfectly and smoothly the communication settings, history experiences and individual opinion of the people must be considered very deeply. So the communication enhancements mentioned above will prove to be very successful. From this study we have come to know that when you move toward alteration with a patient-centered attitude, the finest decisions are obvious. Table of Contents Introduction Communication means relocation of the information amongst the people. The nursing job involves continuous communication between the patients, their relatives and the nurses. The chances of miscommunication in this profession are very high which can lead to serious consequences. For nurses it is really important that they should be aware of key communicating process and the height to risks and problems that they can come across as a result of miss-communication. It is important to have clear communication with patients especially for those nurses who are involved in collection of patient history. They should be aware of the art of educating the patients giving them the needed emotional help (Munhill, 2007, p.452). According to a report at Institute of Medicine, it has now been an established fact that secure and trustworthy relationship between a patient and the health care provider (especially nurse) depends upon healthy and good communication (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004; Viney et al., 2006). Usually the goal of the health care providers is to achieve more in a smaller amount time as a result of which their relations with patients suffer. In this proposal we are going to discuss about how communications between the patients and the nurses can be improved in order to have a healthy and fruitful relationship. Analysis of change needed Efficient communication between the patients and health care providers especially nurses is a very important area in the hospital management but it is hampered by different problems. The discussion with the patients is conducted usually in a very busy environment; both the patients and nurses are in a hurry as a result of which undesirable issues are raised. Communication with the patients is mostly carried out through answering machines instead of having a direct interaction. According to the leadership theory as presented by Fred Fiedler suggests that effective group performance depended upon the proper match between a leaders style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which situation allowed the leader to control and influence (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p. 493). It is often argued that in a hospital setting, in-charge nurse is often lacking required competencies in relation to communicating with patients that represent a barrier in efficient leadership. One of the prime reasons being their promotion from the clinical nurse thus they are apt at dealing with medical issues but ill equipped to be regarded as a good communicator with patients (Connelly et al., 2003, p.298). Their relationship should be relationship oriented instead of focusing solely on routine tasks. Similarly path-goal theory as devised by Robert House also favours leader role to be more supportive, providing direction to relevant others (Robbins Coulter, 2008, p.498). A study conducted in United States of America concluded that 90% of the faults in patient analysis result from poor communication between the patients and the health care providers. Different sort of parameters like lack of sleep or proper rest, long duty hours, other part time jobs, personal issues or family concerns may have serious effects on the ability of nurses to interact with the patients. Therefore the present challenge is to develop an environment which is comfortable for nurses so that they can easily perform their job. One method to achieve this goal is by applying the strategies which have been adapted by industries working beyond provision of medical aid. Team resource management as constructed by aviation department could also bring desired outcomes. The strategy helps to direct all efforts towards equal participation in decision making, leading a team focused behavioral approach. The best patient care can be provided when the nurses are can be easily contacted in case of any issue during patients stay at the hospital. By using different electronic gadgets like situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR), such methods help to convey lucid messages between both nurses and patients to overcome the challenging situation (Leonard, Graham Bonacum, 2004). It is stated that many nurses save around 20 to 40 minutes every day if they have immediate contact with the specialists. Most of the hospitals of the Unites States still use the old weird telephone systems which not only waste time but also may lead to miscommunication. A new communication technology like that of Dalcon Alertcan provide a solution to this problem. It is a wireless technology and by the use of it the patients, nurses, staff and the physicians can stay in contact with each other all the time, while even on move. A study showed that 70 to 80 percent of time could be saved each day by th e use of this technology. The technology also provides direct alerts to the nurses on their devices (Kohn, Corrigan Donaldson, 2000). Another method is to employ the U-Nursing technique. By U Nursing we mean that the nurses are available to all the organizations and institutes at all the time by using the facilities from information technology. The SWOT analysis about this nursing technique is given below (Murray, 2007, p.32). SWOT Analysis: Strengths: User friendly and Less time consuming Expert advice avail all the time Infrastructure is very safe and secure International quality standards maintained Enhance the communication between the patients and the nurses Weaknesses: The setup costs are very high Nurses are not yet very much trained to use this system Lack of support and backup infrastructure Opportunities: Research studies will be facilitated Technology development in nursing profession If goes successful , could be applied to all the hospitals and has just one time setup costs Holistic and Humanized Threats: System breakdowns by attack of viruses leading to data loss High dependency on the information technology Intellectual proprietary issues Be short of leadership in nursing Misuse of personal information of patients and loss of privacy Ignorant patients may be misguided Plan of Action The plan of action for the above mentioned analysis is as follows: First the working hours of the nurses would be discussed and adjusted accordingly so that they can work attentively and efficiently and this will be done immediately. The salary structure would be revised so that there would be no need for part time jobs. Recognize any hindrances which may hamper the communication like can the patient converse in English easily or not? If not the nurse should arrange for an interpreter. If the hearing ability of the patient is not well, hearing aid should be provided. Training courses for the nurses would be arranged regarding communication skills so that they can improve their communication with the patients and the physicians. Infrastructure for the U-Nursing plan would be arranged. For this purpose letters would be written to higher authorities at the hospital or even the government level if required so that the funds could be provided. Once the approval is received for such plan then nurses would be trained for the use of such facilities. In hospital equipment would be updated like the use of wireless technologies to be implemented so that the wastage of time could be prevented. The patients would be able to communicate with the nurses through wireless gadgets at all the times so that emergency situations can be dealt with ease and efficiency. Evaluation strategy The real time monitoring strategies about these new things will be applied. The amendment trials are fruitful when they are structured keeping in view the present situation and are visible with healthy results. They are made on the existing method of doing things, are visible and have positive outcomes (Greenhalgh et al., 2004; Rye Kimberly, 2007). The study would be evaluated by noticing the change in the general attitude of nurses, their change in appearance and social dealings. The qualitative and quantitative data will be used. For the qualitative data general observations will be done on the communication changes between nurses and the patients and for the qualitative data questionnaires will be given to the patients and they will be asked about the improvement in the communication skills of the nurses. They will be asked about the benefits or demerits of the use of wireless technology implemented in the hospital. If the patients provide us with the positive feedback this wi ll mean the change is a success. Conclusion The immediate problem and challenge in the health care industry is to manage and develop an environment which provides effective and transparent communication system between the patients and the health care workers especially nurses as they are the most frequent ones to come across with the patients. It is anticipated that the above mentioned changes will bring a positive and healthy change in the hospital environment and the communication skills of the nurses will be improved. Especially when the nurses will be trained accordingly the patients would definitely feel a positive change in the hospitals. It is wisely said that half of the illness of the patient is cleared out immediately when he is treated nicely by the health care provider.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Greek Mythology and Heracles Family Essay
The Greek heroes Heracles, Jason, Perseus and Theseus are all intriguing characters of Greek mythology. They each portray many different qualities and compare and contrast each other. For example the fact that Heracles was constantly a target of Hera and Theseus a target of Medea links them as characters. Also, Heracles frees Theseus from the chair of forgetfulness which also makes them similar. Even further, Perseus is from the city of Argos which happens to be where Heracles’ family is from as well. Another similarity between Heracles and Theseus is that they attack the Amazons together and both tend to rid the lands of certain monsters. Heracles also worked together in the Argonaut crew with Jason. All these heroes also tend to share great physical strengths and capabilities to defeat their enemies. These four heroes also differ from each other. Jason seemed to be portrayed as somewhat of a weaker character and Perseus seemed to receive much more help from gods and goddesses, even by Heracles, more than the other heroes did. It may have been because they favored him more. Another distinguishing feature is that Heracles was an average human being before he became immortal. As far as how each hero handles their quests, all four of them seem to mentally be prepared for each quest. They tend to each focus on the task at hand. For example, Heracles labors to catch a deer that is lightning fast; he perseveres for a year before he catches it. They all seem to show dedication and patience to each mission. However unlike Theseus who picks more dangerous routes, maybe for more of a mental challenge, Perseus does not seem to be as mentally focused but more on the physical side of things. Perseus is more physical and does not have to use as much intellectual thinking because he is gifted by nymphs and gods that give him the right tools to succeed on his quest. Heracles stands out as a physical hero since the day he was born by having to fight off the snakes that Hera sent his way and the fact that most of the twelve labors were aimed for his failure yet he succeeds. Another impressive success was the cleaning of the Augean stables by means of diverting 2 rivers. Each of these four heroes has honorable qualities that drives them in their quests and make them compare and contrast to each other.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Effects Of Sociocultural Theories On Children s Learning
Blue’s Clues is a children’s television series that was aired in 1996 and remained popular in the young generations and their parents until the final episode aired in 2006. In this television series Steve and his friend Blue play a game every show that involves finding Blue’s paw prints and solving the clues to find out what Blue wants. Along the way they play interactive games that involve counting, identifying colors, identifying animals and so much more. This educational program is consistent with current developmental theories and has been successful at educating young children before and during the early school years. Sociocultural theorists believe that the most important concept in a child’s cognitive development is the way other people and the environment shape the child’s learning (Siegler and DeLoache p155), thus Blue’s Clues is based off of this theory of sociocultural because someone is helping to guide the child along and the environment is conducive to optimal learning experiences. â€Å"Vygotsky, in contrast, portrayed them as social learners, intertwined with other people who are eager to help them gain skills and understanding†¦ Vygotsky viewed them as intent on participating in activities that happen to be prevalent in their local setting†(Siegler and DeLoache, p156). As a part of the sociocultural theory the children are guided along by someone else who can more professionally guide the activity. In Blue’s Clues the show’s host, Steve, will guide the children’sShow MoreRelatedSociocultural Theory And Second Language Learning902 W ords  | 4 PagesSociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning â€Å"Language is the most pervasive and powerful cultural artefact that humans possess to mediate their connection to the world, to each other, and to themselves†[Lantolf Thorne 2006:201]. The idea of mediation inherent in this notion of the language is a fundamental element of Sociocultural Theory [SCT], one of the most influential approach to learning and mental development since 1990s’, drawing on its origin from the work of soviet psychologistRead MoreProvides Us With A Way To Learn Cause And Effect Relations1488 Words  | 6 Pagesprovides us with a way to learn cause and effect relations between environmental events’ (Martin, Carlson and Buskist, 2010, pg 259). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How to Say Thank You in Latin
The people of the ancient Roman Empire, who spoke Latin, expressed the concept of thank you in multiple ways. A formal thank you was commonly said as gratias tibi ago. A less formal thank-you was simply benigne. Thank You in Latin Gratias tibi ago literally means Thanks to you I give. The singular of gratias is gratia, which means gratitude, esteem, obligation. So it makes sense that the plural would mean thanks. If you were thanking more than one person (thanks to you all I give), you would change the singular indirect pronoun tibi to the plural vobis, like this: Gratias vobis ago. If more than one person is thanking someone, the singular verb ago (I give) becomes the plural agimus (we give): Gratias tibi/vobis agimus. The Grammar Behind the Phrase Using the idiom gratias ago or some equivalent was the typical way that Latin speakers formally thanked each other. Notice that both forms of you are in the dative case because this pronoun is the indirect object of the verb ago. Tu is the dative singular form, while the dative plural form is vobis. The verb ago is in the first-person singular present active indicative form. Agimus is the first-person plural. Latin didnt typically use the subject pronoun, thus we dont spell out the first-person singular nominative pronoun ego or the first-person plural nos. Gratias is in the accusative (direct object of ago) plural form of gratia, a first-declension feminine noun. Latin sentences typically follow the subject-object-verb word order, but this can change depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize, with the stressed word coming first. For instance, the usual I give thanks to you would employ the standard gratias tibi ago order. To emphasize the person being thanked, use tibi/vobis gratias ago. To emphasize the person giving the thanks, use ago gratias tibi/vobis. Expressions Thank you very much. Gratias maximas (tibi ago). / Gratias ago tibi valde. Thanks be to God. Deo gratias. Thank you for something. The preferred way to express this is to use the preposition pro with the noun (ablative case) referring to what youre thanking someone for. Instead of pro, use propter with the noun as a gerund in the accusative case for a less idiomatic version. Form the gerund by adding -ndum to the stem. I want to thank you for your kindness. Gratias tibi propter misericordiam volo. We thank you for good friends. Tibi gratias agimus pro amicitia. I thank you for food. Tibi gratias ago pro cibo. We thank you for wine. Tibi gratias agimus a vino.  Thank you for the gift. Tibi gratias ago pro dono. Thank someone for something they did:  After pro, use a gerund in the ablative case. Thank you for saving me. Tibi gratias ago pro me servando. Less Formal Latin for Thank You There are other ways of thanking that are less formal and seem more like the modern English thanks or its equivalents in Romance languages, such as the French merci. To say thanks or no, thanks, just use the adverb benigne (generously, kindly). Whether its an acceptance or a polite rejection depends on how you express it. For example: Benigne! Thank you! (Roughly How generous of you or How kind of you) Benigne ades. Nice of you to come. Benigne dicis. Nice of you to say so, which is an appropriate way to accept a compliment. Source The Dative Case. The Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
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